Saturday, May 26, 2012

Summer blogs!

Something fun i thought i'd try again is blogging every day of summer. I'm actually two days behind, but that's alright because i remember how those days went. I just want to sum up each day of summer so that i don't forget sometime down the road. I realized two things when thinking about this task. 1) I'm an incredibly negative person. So while the point is to say how i feel and what i've done, i am making myself include something positive with each day. Even if i don't feel like it was a good day, i need to acknowledge that something good happened. 2) There will be some days that i can't blog (like when i'm at the lake), but i will try my best to take notes each day and come back to blog about them ASAP.

I hope things get interesting eventually. Right now my life is pretty boring, but that's how summer starts out.

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