**I don't plan on grouping all the days of summer, but i did these two together mainly because they're short.
Day 1(:
Day 1 of summer for me was actually before everyone else. I went to my moms school (she teaches kindergarten) instead of going to my school because i had no finals. I love seeing her class because the kids are just so adorable. The day itself was terrible, not because of the kids or getting in trouble, but because i just wasn't ready for summer. I've mentioned that in previous posts, but the fact the summer was there and i was being forced into it was not pleasant. It was a rough day emotionally, i just wanted to stop everything and cry but that isn't possible with little kids surrounding you. So that personally sucked. On the bright side (my one positive thing) i got to see the 5th graders graduate. That was pretty amazing since the 5th graders were from my moms very first kindergarten class. Seeing them grow up like that was pretty cool. I ended the day with piano, a celebratory dinner (since i am a senior now!!!), and sobbing (because it was bound to happen). Thankfully the crying didn't start til i was alone, so no one knew about it.
I spent the second day of summer with many people. My cousin and i hung out for the morning and early afternoon, but things weren't like normal. I was incredibly tired and somewhat cranky, so my enthusiasm and creative ideas just weren't there. My cousin ended the day pretty cranky too. I guess you could say both of us having busy first days of summer took a toll, and we pretty much just chilled. Not too bad but not too good. The rest of the day was with my friends(: My best friend graduated high school (along with other kids i know). It was really exciting to see because she's worked so hard, and because it made it more real that next year it will be me! I went out to dinner with her, her family, her tutor, and veronica. It was very nice although i felt very odd because i don't eat sushi or fish, and i don't speak Japanese. I'm also an incredibly shy person in public situations, so it was just a little awkward. I still had a lot of fun though(: My positive though was definitely seeing all my junior and senior friends. Just lovely(:
**Side note! My whole life i have always nodded to say yes or no. It was just something i did as a kid, and it carried on in later years. Most people who know me well know that when they ask a question they have to look at me because i simply nod. Physically saying my answer isn't the first thing to come to mind. It's rather odd, but it made last night even more awkward because i nodded out of instinct, and no one knew to look. They thought i was just ignoring them. Oh well, throughout the night i spoke a little more and things worked out better. I just thought i'd through that in.
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