Saturday, May 12, 2012

People i would be nowhere without.

I honestly owe so much to each of these people. I don't know that i could ever thank them enough for everything they've done. I don't think i could have made it this far without any of them.

Abbie(: So surely i have mentioned her before, but if not she is my best friend. She has been the biggest help. She constantly tells me things will work out, and she has been right every single time. She doesn't get annoyed with constant emails or my common freaking out rants. She always knows the right things to say and i couldn't explain how much she's gotten me through over the years. It's so incredibly sweet of her to care. She's so funny and i love her to death. It's ridiculous how blessed i am to have her in my life.

Wes and Linda. I'm sure i've mentioned them several times before and stated how much they've helped me. Because of that i'm keeping this short. Honestly, they have helped me so much. They encourage me with everything i want to do, push me into things i don't want to (because i'm scared of failing and they know i won't fail), listening, giving amazing advice, helping with all their ability, being so kind and loving, putting up with me, etc. I could honestly go on forever. Had it not been for knowing them i would've never gotten therapy, or been able to trust a little more. I thank God for them so much, i love them a lot and i am blessed.

Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Caise, and Mrs. Cain. Three of the most helpful, sweet ladies i know. Mrs. Cain has been there for me every step of the way, and has always been so helpful and kind. Mrs. Caise is the one who helped me go to therapy every week, and thank God for her. Mrs. Clark has also been an amazing help. She helped with a big situation that i need help with and continues to do so. Like i said, i would be NOWHERE without any of them. I wouldn't be in therapy, or finding solutions for problems. I would be nowhere. Seriously, thank God for each and every one of them. I have a teacher that tells us that our school has the best staff in the world. Most kids blow it off, but he's right. My high school has the best staff in the whole entire world, and i am so incredibly sad for the day i'll have to leave. My only wish is that sometime by the end of this year or next, that i get to tell them each individually how much of a help they've been.

God.This one is tricky. I would honestly be dead without them. I mean literally. At the same time, i've strayed away from God so much in the past year. I love Him so incredibly much and i couldn't exist without them. It just doesn't make sense that i've strayed so much. Nonetheless i know i need Him more than anything and i am absolutely thrilled to have Him.

These are the people that have made it possible for me to live. I am so thankful and blessed to know them. It 's not even funny. I could say that forever (and thank them forever) and it still wouldn't be enough.

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