Saturday, May 12, 2012

It kind of (well seriously) shoots my self esteem in the freaking face when you tell me that i look like a boy with my hair up, or dress shlumpy, or that i'm fat, or that i need to lose more weight. Seriously, those comments hurt. I LIKE having my hair in a pony tail. That's when I feel comfortable. I like jeans and a t-shirt. I feel kind of pretty in those clothes. I feel incredibly UNCOMFORTABLE and FAT in fancy clothes. Another thing, I used to be fine with what i weighed. But you killed that too. What's so wrong with me dressing in ways that comfortable to me? What's wrong with being okay with my weight and body shape? Why do i need to change myself by losing weight, wearing my hair down, etc, just to fit in with YOUR ideas of pretty. I mean honestly, it's dumb. Why can't you like who i am? And why can't you accept that i will not change for you. When will you accept me for your daughter, and just be proud of me?

I'm tired of hearing this from my mom. It sickens me. I look in the mirror when i have my hair up, and all i can think about is how you think i look like a boy. I put my hair down and i feel even uglier. This isn't my fault. I don't care if i have a muffin top, or if my arms flab. I do care that you keep staring at it and telling me i need to workout. I do care that you judge every thing i wear. I REALLY care that you tell me i dress shlumpy/boyish, because that's just who i am. I don't feel comfortable in skirts or dresses. I AM INSECURE. And i honestly don't need your criticisms any more. They don't help mom. No matter how much good is intended, they do not help.

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