1. While i do not have claustrophobia, and i'm not entirely scared of human contact, it REALLY REALLY bothers me when people are in my bubble. I do not enjoy being closed in, and i really am not a touchy feely person. I can handle both things, it just bothers me so much. It pisses me off when people intentionally get in my bubble. I don't freak out to "play along", i freak out because it bothers me! Just keep arms length away and we'll be fine.
2. I do not like when people laugh at others. I get that it happens to all of us sometimes, but making fun of people for how they walk, talk, think, etc., IS NOT OKAY. I'm not being uptight. It's called being mature and nice.
3. I CHOOSE to keep my life private. I feel like i share so much with so many people and it bothers me. So no, i'm not going to tell everyone every little detail about my life. It just isn't necessary. I have so many reasons behind what i do, and it'd be great if people could respect that. You don't have to know everything about me.
4. The reason i do what i do is not only to protect myself, but to protect others too. I can be incredibly rude with my words, not to mention what i have to talk about is sad. I'd rather save you from tears and save myself the time.
5. THERE IS NOT A SINGLE SOUL THAT KNOWS EVERYTHING ABOUT ME. Not my best best friends, not my family, or anyone. So many people have this crazy idea that i keep certain things from certain people. I don't. I keep them from everyone because i want to.
6. I think so differently from everyone else. So don't expect me to explain my thought patterns. And stop telling me how i should be. I know what i should be, but i'm not. The way i am is how i am, and the rest of you can get over it.
7. It is never okay to hate someone. Lets be clear, YOU DON'T KNOW EVERYONE. You don't know ever bit of their life, or what goes on in their brain. Hating on someone you don't know is so incredibly dumb. Judging what you don't understand is just dumb in general.
8. Just because people have different opinions than you does not ever give you the right to be disrespectful. You won't agree with everyone, but you can still be a kind human being that can be cordial with others. I'm just a kid and i understand that. It was a lesson i learned on my own in 5th grade, so i'd presume most people can get it also.
9. People are going to say things you don't like. You can't beat them up for it. That's not how it works. Be the bigger person, and move on. People can say anything they want, but there isn't a soul in the world that can make you believe it. People are going to say things. It's just gonna happen. But they don't know your story, or anyone else's. So taking what they have to say to heart is dumb. They know nothing about what they're trying to talk about.
10. (This one comes back to me) I don't need to be lectured on what's right/wrong. I have a brain, a good conscious, and i think on the level of an adult (I'm freakishly mature generally and i don't know why). So lecturing me does no good. I already know what you need to say, so stop telling me! ***The only exception being when i ASK any type of question. At that point i don't know and i am more than willing to listen***
11. If i need help, i'll ask for it. If i think i need something, i'll get it. I can make my own decisions, and i spend so much time making sure they're the right thing. I know i'm just 16, but i don't need people constantly asking me if i'm for sure about things. I would not bring up one thing that i wasn't for sure about.
12. I am incredibly high maintenance, borderline OCD, depressed, and i have an incredible amount of anxiety about EVERYTHING. I can't help it, i just do. It's annoying to be stared at when i have to touch all the clothes in the store so i feel "right". The way i am is the way i am. It doesn't mean i like it, but it doesn't mean you need to constantly question it either. Just saying.
13. *This is random* It bothers me so much that i'm stopping on 13. I can't think of 7 more things to get to a good number, so i'm stopping now. I don't like it though.
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