Tuesday, May 15, 2012

In my life, there are very thin lines between things i like and things i won't tolerate. One of those things being gossip and drama. I LOVE gossip and drama when it comes to other peoples lives. It's just so entertaining, as awful as it is of me to say that. I however hate drama and gossip when it comes to my life. I refuse to partake in either of those things. Sure my friends want to gossip often, but i just don't. I don't like it. 

On the other side though, i saw this on facebook and i love it. It's just so gutsy. Honestly i could never find it in myself to literally tag the person i'm talking about. But this kid did. It's somewhat wonderful. And i don't feel that bad because one he's choosing to get involved in drama, and two he's putting it out there. So here you go.

And just to remain sweet, i don't really want to talk about them because i do know the kid he tagged. 

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