I'm not ready. I'm not ready for junior year to be over, i'm not ready to say goodbye to my amazing teachers for the summer (yes, i like my teachers. They're great.), i'm not ready to be a senior, AND I'M SO NOT READY TO GRADUATE. I've been with the same kids (for the most part) SINCE KINDERGARTEN. We've been in so many classes together. We see each other every school day. We have stories that go way back, and memories all over the place. My teachers have been such an amazing help over the years. School has been fun (seeing friends anyway). I'm not ready to give it up for college. I want to keep it a little longer. Just a few more years. Seriously just yesterday i was starting my junior year, and here i am with 3 days left, about to be a senior. I have to start thinking about college, and what i want to do with the rest of my life. The talks they lectured us with in 8th grade are actually coming true. I'm so not ready. I took so much of my time for granted. Year after year wishing to be older so i could leave my high school and go on with my life. How could i wish for such a stupid thing?
High school is really truly amazing....typically. Sure some kids are really annoying, and some things aren't fair between the grades (that's for another post). There are nasty bathrooms, crowded hallways, pregnant teens, drugs, and cuss words around every corner. But i wouldn't ever want to trade a single bit of that. The teachers generally care so much if you let them. They definitely treat you according to how you act, and sometimes they're just so dang funny. I already knew teachers could be funny after school hours, but it never occurred to me that my teachers would have fun and joke with us during class. They are good about helping you with whatever you need, and are so willing to work with you. They also know your names. I couldn't express how much i have loved high school even though some of it has sucked. I can't explain how wonderful everyone has been, and how wonderful they won't be in college.
I'm just not ready to go. I'm realizing how great it's been, and i'm in no way pleased about having to leave next year. So what am i going to do? Im going to enjoy this next year like no other. I will love ALL 7 hours i have to spend at school, i will talk to my teachers more, and i will most definitely thank them ALL for everything. I will cherish every last moment i have at my high school. I will take lots of pictures with my friends, i will come back and visit, and i will never forget how lovely it's been. I am so grateful for my high school.
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