Thursday, June 7, 2012

The past few days!

Shocker, i'm off here come the past few days! Also, starting the 17th of june, i won't be able to blog daily. I'll be gone literally from the 17-5. Then from the 8-15. It's quite a busy time. Not that anyone cares.

So the past few days have literally gone like every other day. Tuesday i went to therapy, ya know normal stuff. Wednesday was youth group....again, pretty normal. thursday is review ACT day (which i need to start soon), and other than those things all my free time has been sitting in bed. Yeah, haven't really left it. My life has been so boring but i'm okay with it. I don't really want to do anything or see any one. Especially after the hell of a week i had last week. I'm content just sitting alone.

Tuesday- i got to eat chinese for lunch! Sidenote: we ordered it ahead of time but when we went to pick our food up they didn't have it. Turns out, we ordered it in the wrong city! And by we, i mean i. Yeah, sad day......
Wednesday- I got to see my friends for a little bit and it wasn't too bad. And chik fila for dinner.
Thursday- I have cookies! Peanut butter cookies!

Lets be honest, for almost every day my only legitimate positive would be food because i love it. I try to refrain from making food the positive though because thats slightly obsessive, and because there is so much more out there that is positive. I just have to find it.

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