Thursday, June 7, 2012

Growing up.

I'm sorry. People always complain about how kids are growing up too fast. How we wish we could go back to when all we worried about was cooties and stuff (you know you've seen the pictures/statuses about it). Don't get me wrong, those were amazing times. But here's the thing. WE CHOSE TO GROW UP SO FREAKING FAST. So you know what? Say goodbye to those times, move on, and grow up, because thats our option now.

See, people my age (about 13-20) complain about those typical things. How the 90's were the best, things were so much easier, blah blah blah. And the 90's were great and things were easier because we were kids. But see, we all wished to be older. We tried talking like adults, we begged for independence and got seriously offended when anyone treated us like kids. Kids started rushing into dating, drinking, partying, etc. They started ditching toys for all the fun grown up things like electronics and driving. See, that's where we messed up. We thought things were so magnificent. We did that normal human thing called wishing for what you don't have, instead of appreciating what you do have. And what did we realize? Things aren't all that great. We finally got what we wanted, only to see that we crave some more carefree days. We don't want to worry about jobs or driving, or gas prices, or trying to buy alcohol underage. But there's no changing it. We got what we wished for and now we live with it. It's just dumb to me that people seem so shocked about all this. We honestly just got what we asked for. So what do i do about it? Make it my goal to change that for the next generation. I'm 16, my cousin is 11, and i still gladly play dolls with her. Some people wonder why she hasn't given up dolls yet, but it's fun for her. And why should she? Why should she get rid of her creativity for some other "older" activity? I wish i had stuck with dolls that long because i know i loved it.

When i see my cousin, i make her put down the electronics. We dance around. We joke, we laugh, we make memories as cousins instead of wasting time on electronics. We go outside and kick the ball. We roll down the hill, and just have fun. I will do whatever it takes to make sure my cousin gets the childhood children should be having.

Real quick let me add that not everyone is like what i described. Most people are in some way or another, but not everyone. I personally gave toys up before i was ten. I switched to electronics, and what have i found? My creativity is shot. I have grown to rely on google for all my cool ideas, that i hardly have any of my own. However i didn't start drinking or partying. No drugs/alcohol for this kid. I haven't had a boyfriend, i've never been kissed. I'm okay with that too. So see? Even i feel into the fad a little bit but not completely. That's what i'm saying.

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